Enhanced Proprioceptive Fine Music Motor Skills Learning Aids

Cello, clarinet, flute, guitar, keyboard and other lessons taught online

Contact Details
Jeffrey Edwards

Perceptive Neuroscience Pty Ltd is an Australian Neuroscience company and the world leader in Fine Music Motor Skills Learning Aids and Trainers.
Our mission is to provide drug-free, non-invasive, non-habit-forming neuro-physiological products and technologies that assist in accelerated learning of fine music, fine motor skills, and sporting motor skills in children and adults.

Motor skills are a special type of long-term memory acquired through repetition and practice. Fine Music Skills, like all Fine Motor skills, involve specialised memories called Procedural Memories. The mind manages Procedural Memories with a set of precise rules, and understanding those rules will impact greatly on the outcomes of your teaching and learning.
Riding a bike, playing a musical instrument, running down a flight of stairs without watching your feet and brushing your hair without a mirror are all Motor Skills that we acquire throughout our lives. Let us help you to optimise your successes, and turn around your potential failures.

Music Lessons Provided
Accordion, Bagpipes, Banjo, Brass Instruments, Bugle, Cello, Chinese Harp, Chinese Violin, Clarinet, Computer Music, Double Bass, Fiddle, Fiddle (Scottish), Flute, French Horn, Guitar, Guitar Acoustic, Guitar Bass, Guitar Bass Electric, Guitar Classical, Guitar Electric, Harp, Harpsichord, Keyboard, Lute, Mandolin, Oboe, Organ, Piano, Piccolo, Recorder, Saxophone, Saxophone-Alto, Saxophone-Tenor, Tenor Horn, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Viola, Violin, Woodwind
Kodaly Method, PianoExpress, Simply Music Method, Suzuki Method, Yamaha Method
Adult Learning, Digital / Electronic, Gifted Children, Music Craft, Music Therapy, Special Needs
Areas Serviced

Last Modified: 15 November 2024 at 10:46 AM